The tenets of evidence-based medicine mandates that medicines should be tested and shown to be safe and effective before licensing for use in the general population....While medicines licensed for use in adults would be expected to have undergone evaluation ... there is evidence to show that many medicines used in children are prescribed outside the terms of their product license in terms of dosing, indication, route of administration, etc.” ~ Excerpt from Prof. George Obeng Adjei’s abstract.
Members of the University community are hereby invited to an Inaugural Lecture to be delivered by Prof. George Obeng Adjei (MD, PhD, PGDip, FACCP, FGA), Professor of Paediatric Clinical Pharmacology and Director, Centre for Tropical Clinical Pharmacology and Therapeutics, University of Ghana Medical School.
Details of the lecture are as follows:
Topic: Paradigms and Paradoxes: Enigmas in Clinical Trials in Ghanaian Children
Date: 23rd January, 2025
Time: 5:00 pm
Venue: Great Hall, University of Ghana
Chairperson: Prof. Nana Aba Appiah Amfo, Vice-Chancellor, University of Ghana
Please click here for his profile
Please click here for the abstract of the lecture
All are cordially invited.